domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015


En la materia de arte, con Flor Barletta, tomamos unas fotos a las luces que producian las linternas que teniamos, con distintas laminas sobre ellas, contra la pared. Estas son las fotos que tomamos, donde yo las edite

Luego, con estas fotos tuvimos que hacer un videoarte, eligiendo las fotos que querias. Este es el videoarte

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

Mad Men

In the subject Thinking Skills we watched a extract of the series "Mad Men", talking about the tobacco industry, while we are studying what vested interest is, we analyse this extract.
At the beggining of the video a men called peter drop an idea for a propaganda, in which his slogan is basically saying that although the cigarretes are dangerous, you will die anyway, so why stop smoking. Th idea is rejected becuase it colud harm the tobacco industry.
There is a second idea from Don, in which he talks about the cigarretes from lucky strike are different from the others, because it's TOASTED, saying their cigarretes are healthier than the others companies, although their cigarretes are toasted, but it's never said. The idea is accepted just beacuse the vested interest from the men of the tobacco company is to show their cigarretes are best than the others, and to sell them



lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

La Chandelier (Fete Des Crepes)

Les ingrédients pour 24 personnes

  • 1kg de farine
  • 6 oeufs
  • 2 litre de lait
  • 1 pincee du sel 
  • 4 coulliers a soup du sucre

  1. Versez la farine et le sel ans un saladier et creusez un puits.
  2. Dans un autre bol, fouettez les oeufs, le lait et le beurre fondu, puis versez dans puits de farine. Fouttez a nouveau pour obtener une páte fluide.
  3. Laissez reposer 30 minutes.
  4. Versez dans un coellieve á soupe la pate et versez le coulliere á soup dans la crepiere.
  5. Laissez la pate devenir marron.
  6. Mettez quelque chose à le crêpe pour obtenir saveur magnifique.
  7. Profitez les crépes.